September 09, 2005
Filler post
Long time since I posted something. What has happened is that I have been appointed a 50% GSI for a Design and Manufacturing course. So I've been going through maching shop safety courses and setting up some stuff for the project the student will be doing. Its going to be a packed semester. More details on this side will be coming soon.
Life goes on, things go on and so does cricket. The indoor season begins early this year with tommorrow being the first day. The field is about four basketball courts lined side by side inside a huge hollow building. Its nice to play indoor with the snow outside. After a smashing first year, the second year was quite dismill. Hoping for a better year this time around. Wish me luck!
Life goes on, things go on and so does cricket. The indoor season begins early this year with tommorrow being the first day. The field is about four basketball courts lined side by side inside a huge hollow building. Its nice to play indoor with the snow outside. After a smashing first year, the second year was quite dismill. Hoping for a better year this time around. Wish me luck!
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