October 27, 2005
Ground reference maneuvers.
October the 8th. What good is flying if you cant fly in a straight line. You will not be able to reach anywhere. Well, in straight and level flight, you will generally fly straight, but there is a small complication: The Wind. Always trying to push you one way or the other. So to gain confidence and to fly straight, you do what are called ground reference maneuvers. Turns around a point, S-turns, Turns around pylons are examples of ground reference maneuvers. The aim is to make beautiful looking circles and half-circles and not ugly looking ovals. The instructor says to be patient in these, but yours truly probably has been impatient and draws some weird shapes 800 feet AGL. Oh, yes, these are done about 800 feet above the ground, so its also important to pick an open field nearby should the powerplant decide that she has had enough.
Ugly looking shapes, but good looking photographs. Here are some photographs taken by my instructor on this day. How its done? By opening the window, putting the camera and your hand outside and Click!
Here are some photos from that day.

Pumpkin patch and a cemetry
Pumpkin path from overhead
Four fields
Nice light and shadow

Ugly looking shapes, but good looking photographs. Here are some photographs taken by my instructor on this day. How its done? By opening the window, putting the camera and your hand outside and Click!
Here are some photos from that day.

Pumpkin patch and a cemetry
Pumpkin path from overhead
Four fields
Nice light and shadow

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