November 20, 2005
Ann Arbor Airport is online
Ann Arbor Tower has been added to list of online ATC audio streams. You can find the stream here. Now you can hear yours truly talking on the airwaves. Contact me for flight times or look at the online schedule. Unfortunately, you can look at the schedule for only the current day. The Pink ones are inactive, the yellow ones are in progress and the blue ones are completed. Time given is eastern which currently is GMT-5.
You would hear me anywhere from 20-50 to after the time slot begins. During this time, I have to get my weather briefing, get instructions from the instructor and preflight the aircraft. You would then hear me once asking for a taxi clearance and about 10 mins later for a takeoff clearance. After that we usually head out to the practice area where we do not have to talk to the ATC at all. With about 1 hour left in the time slot, we head back the airport and practice some landings. This is the rich time to hear since I will be making a lot of calls and getting clearances/instructions from the ATC. The last 30 mins is to land, taxi back, refuel, clean, do the paperwork and debrief.
Obviously, I would not be using my name, but the aircraft's name, which would be either 222UM or 333UM, said over the air as "two two two Uniform Mike" and "tree tree tree Uniform Mike."
You would hear me anywhere from 20-50 to after the time slot begins. During this time, I have to get my weather briefing, get instructions from the instructor and preflight the aircraft. You would then hear me once asking for a taxi clearance and about 10 mins later for a takeoff clearance. After that we usually head out to the practice area where we do not have to talk to the ATC at all. With about 1 hour left in the time slot, we head back the airport and practice some landings. This is the rich time to hear since I will be making a lot of calls and getting clearances/instructions from the ATC. The last 30 mins is to land, taxi back, refuel, clean, do the paperwork and debrief.
Obviously, I would not be using my name, but the aircraft's name, which would be either 222UM or 333UM, said over the air as "two two two Uniform Mike" and "tree tree tree Uniform Mike."
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