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December 12, 2005

Crosswind Landinds 

December 11th - Not fun at all. My first time in a decent crosswind. It was 15kts at an angle of 60 degress or so. Thats comes to a 13 knot crosswind. My approaches were not that bad, I just happend to throw the plane into the ground in the last final seconds. Everything goes haywire, I overcorrect and finally slam the mains followed by the nose on the ground. Not pretty and I am sure the plane does not like it too.

My checkride got preponed to friday and hopefully the weather will hold up. With the checkride out of the way, hopefully I will solo soon. Everybody keep their fingers crossed for better weather.

Very visual picture painted of plane nose-diving down to the landing! Ouch!!

As for hoping for good weather, be prepared for the Friday event to be postponed what with the 4-7 inches of the white stuff that we're expecting by tomorrow evening. :-(

Good job with the blog! Keep it up!
Oh, just in case you wonder, this is youknowwho in the ASO. Ciao.
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