December 18, 2005
Hear Me?
After setting up the Control Tower feed, I am still waiting for it to show up on the liveatc website so I can hear myself. Well, that has not happened, so I figure out a way to record the feed on my server. The only problem is that if the feed breaks, the recording stops and does not resume. I did manage about 20 minutes of recording. I started the recording just before my flight. So you hear a couple of call from me. I am posting a bunch of files. The first is just the two calls from me cut out from the whole audio. The second is the full audio. My calls are at 12:15 and 19:45 in the audio file. The third is the full audio but the silent parts cut out. Its if you just want to listen how one of the controllers at Ann Arbor sound. In that file you can hear me at 4:05 and just before 5 minutes.
Here is the transcript:
1) Before Taxi -
# Ann Arbor ground, Cessna three three three Uniform Mike, northwest Tees, ready to taxi, information whiskey
# three Uniform Mike, Ann Arbor ground, taxi to runway two four
# Taxi to runway two four for three three three Uniform Mike
2) After pre-takeoff checklists and standing just short of the runway
# Ann Arbor tower, Cessna three three three Uniform, runway two four, ready for takeoff, northbound.
# three Uniform Mike, Ann Arbor tower, cleared for takeoff, right turn approved.
# cleared for takeoff, right turn approved, three Uniform Mike
Here is the transcript:
1) Before Taxi -
# Ann Arbor ground, Cessna three three three Uniform Mike, northwest Tees, ready to taxi, information whiskey
# three Uniform Mike, Ann Arbor ground, taxi to runway two four
# Taxi to runway two four for three three three Uniform Mike
2) After pre-takeoff checklists and standing just short of the runway
# Ann Arbor tower, Cessna three three three Uniform, runway two four, ready for takeoff, northbound.
# three Uniform Mike, Ann Arbor tower, cleared for takeoff, right turn approved.
# cleared for takeoff, right turn approved, three Uniform Mike
Crosswind landings made easy!
Well, a little easier, but still something that gives most flyers some work to do. Flew again to Livingston County airport with a perpendicular crosswind of 12kts. This time, it was much better. I actually made a couple of smooth landings and did hold the nose up and not bang it down
on the runway. After 7 landings we actually did a full stop and went to the terminal building and got a soft drink. Ah, hopefully my first $200 drink. The original term is the $100 burger. Its when you fly some distance, eat a burger, have a picnic and head home.
on the runway. After 7 landings we actually did a full stop and went to the terminal building and got a soft drink. Ah, hopefully my first $200 drink. The original term is the $100 burger. Its when you fly some distance, eat a burger, have a picnic and head home.
Fall and Winter
Oh, how the seasons change! From the joyful colours of fall time to the silver cover of winter. See yourself and compare the view from our balcony.

Photos curtsey my roommate Somesh.

Photos curtsey my roommate Somesh.
December 12, 2005
Crosswind Landinds
December 11th - Not fun at all. My first time in a decent crosswind. It was 15kts at an angle of 60 degress or so. Thats comes to a 13 knot crosswind. My approaches were not that bad, I just happend to throw the plane into the ground in the last final seconds. Everything goes haywire, I overcorrect and finally slam the mains followed by the nose on the ground. Not pretty and I am sure the plane does not like it too.
My checkride got preponed to friday and hopefully the weather will hold up. With the checkride out of the way, hopefully I will solo soon. Everybody keep their fingers crossed for better weather.
My checkride got preponed to friday and hopefully the weather will hold up. With the checkride out of the way, hopefully I will solo soon. Everybody keep their fingers crossed for better weather.